1.1 Outlining the human body’s anatomy and physiology concerning the essence of correct positioning and moving of the individuals
In order to make the correct movement of human body parts, first of all, we need to know the limitations of our limbs. If we push them beyond their capacity, it may hurt the human body. Age is an essential element that might create restrictions in moving certain parts of our body in a certain way. Older adults should be more aware than young people when moving their limbs because they can’t make their body work the way young people do. Certain factors may limit our movement. These are –
- Fractures.
- Muscle strains.
- Atrophic arthritis.
These factors may cause movement slower and make exercise more tough than average. So these should be considered when a person’s care plan is designed. Considering these factors or considering the capability of different parts of the body, an individual should develop his/her knowledge of how to move and position his body parts. (Fellesson and Mählck, 2013)
1.2 Describing the effect of certain conditions on the positioning and movement of each individual
Different body conditions may limit our body movement. Such conditions are bone fractures, muscle strains, or atrophic arthritis. Bone fractures mean broken bones. This may create immobilisation. Open fractures may create serious problems that may hinder the normal movement of body parts. Fractures should be adequately cared for and handled. Fractures may lead to slower movement problems. Muscle strains refer to specific forces that damage our muscles and create problems while moving our muscles. Muscle strains can create difficulty or pain when moving our hands or legs to perform any task. Atrophic arthritis refers to forces that create pain in our joints. Primarily this causes pain in the wrist and finger joints. (Reavis, n.d.)
2.1 Description of how different legislation and different ways of working can affect working practices concerning moving and positioning individuals.
When moving a service user, the service worker is handling that individual manually. In such cases, the worker should be conscientious because the careless movement can cause serious harm to the service users as well as to the service worker. Taking these things into consideration to improve working practices related to moving and positioning individuals, legislation has been enforced, such as The health and safety at work act, 1974. According to the law, before moving and placing an individual, the service worker needs to do the risk assessment of the possible outcome of moving or setting. Service workers need to follow all the rules and regulations that are provided by The health and safety at work act, 1974, using all the updated tools and equipment that they are trained to, handling moving and positioning with care, report risk to the employer, avoid haphazard in working place or dangers of the service users. (Strehovec, 2002)
2.2 Description of what types of health and safety factors need to be considered and what kinds of equipment would be necessary to do this.
Specific precautionary measures should be taken into account before moving and positioning individuals. First of all, it is necessary to check out the past history of the service users and identify possible risk hazards for the service users. In order to provide appropriate treatment, it is necessary to know the service user properly. His background will help me to enrich his knowledge of how the service user should be treated. Then the risk assessment should be performed before handling moving or positioning to identify and avoid possible risks that might cause pain and severe illness. As a service worker, I should be careful about all the regulations related to moving and positioning individuals while handling such problems. It is also needed to ensure proper space for moving or placing the service user. Equipment that will be used in placing or driving should be checked whether they are working or not before they are being used. Electrical equipment should be sufficiently charged before being used. After ensuring all of these things operate correctly as a service worker, I would go for further processing or moving or positioning individuals. (Issadore, 2009)
3.1 Carrying out preparatory checks by using the individual’s care plan of handling risk and moving.
Carrying out preparatory checks using the individual’s care plan and moving and handling risk means that we can access the individual’s care plan and risk assessment. These files are attached individually in the company’s main branch with the update of risk assessment. If it is not known how to have information, Employers should be asked. Such information is crucial for moving and positioning individuals. (Bramham, 2008)
3.2 Identifying different immediate risks of an individual.
Risk is a common factor that is linked to any kind of work that we do. So risk should be assessed before we perform any task. In different types of work, we might face diverse ranges of risks. In some work, we might face enormous risks, whereas the extent is comparatively lower. Both the extent should be handled carefully. When moving and positioning an individual, I will take care of every single activity that enhances the risk of physical pain. For example: while moving an individual from a wheelchair to the bed, I’ll try not to cause pain in the wrist if needed; I’ll take the help of my colleagues to move the person. (Strange, n.d.)
3.3 Description of different actions that can be taken to identify different types of risks.
In order to identify risks appropriately, necessary measures should be taken. The Association of the top management and all the organisation members should work closely with each other. Association among the employees, employers, service users will help identify risks concerning moving and positioning individuals. Actions that are needed to be taken by the top management that can help to identify threats are –
- Risk identification.
- Taking preventive measures to recognise and reduce risks.
- A clear statement about different roles and regulations.
- Clear idea about individual employee’s expectations.
- Providing training to the employees.
3.4 Description of the types of actions that should be taken when the care plan conflicts with the individual’s wish regarding their safety and risk assessment.
Sometimes, regulations, procedures, and processes regarding moving and positioning individuals may create conflict with the wishes of the service users. When services conflict with the desires of the service users, it might lead to raising blunder, which makes the service users not take the service. Reducing risks and increasing health and safety also requires going in line with an individual’s wish.
When conflict arises or when technology is used through which an individual doesn’t want to be treated, service providers need to understand that the service is provided for their own sake. They can take the help of their line managers on why this service is given and how this will be helpful for the users. They can also take advantage of their colleagues by gaining their opinions or advice on how to make a care plan that will not go against the individual’s wishes.
4. Obtaining valid consent of the individual for the projected activity.
Consent is essential for every kind of service that is provided to the service users. Consent can be gained through both verbal and written form. The written form is much more reliable than the oral form. Before moving an individual, taking their consent is crucial. Without taking their support, further procedures should not be taken in place. This is against the law. No law permits the provision of services without an individual’s consent. Their own consent is needed for mature individuals for further processing, and for immature individuals, their guardian’s consent might be needed for further processing. Valid consent is required to access their personal information or share this information and use this information for manipulation and taking decisions on how this particular individual should be treated. Counselling and doing risk assessment also requires their valid consent. Before taking their valid license, service providers need to present the reasons why such services are given and provide consolation on how these services can help them that will help them to gain an individual’s valid consent.
5.1 Description of the types of aids and equipment that should be used in positioning and moving.
Modern technology or equipment might be used for moving and positioning individuals easily and comfortably. Service providers can select numbers of hoists for moving individuals comfortably and use them for their easy movement. Hoists should be selected with the right sling size because the wrong sling size might create discomfort for the individual or increase the risks of causing harm to the individual. The type and size of the hoist should be selected carefully while using this for moving and positioning. For choosing the appropriate type and size of the hoist, a sufficient number, type and dimensions of the hoists should be available. Transfer boards, turntables, wheelchair, electric beds, handling belts can be used to move or position individuals. Turntables can be used to turn the individual comfortably. A wheelchair can be used to move the patient from one place to another. Handling belts can be easier to keep the body in order. Lifting cushions can help the individual from getting up from the bath. Further on, walking aids can be provided to the individual to make the movement of the individual more flexible. For better care at home, home care equipment can also be provided to ease their movement at home.
5.2 Equipment that is used in maintaining the individual in their appropriate order.
Different types of equipment are needed to maintain safety in the appropriate positioning of the individuals. For example, hoists can be used to move an individual from one place to another place. Based on the height and weight of the individual, diverse types and sizes of slings can come into action. Types and sizes of the slings should be selected depending on the comfortable condition of the individual. Entirely independent people who need remote support for their movement can use slide boards to move them from chair to bed. Handling belts are used to position individuals who are infirmed and who need support for holding onto something. The wheelchair can help the individual move, and the walking aid provides the help to walk without a wheelchair or walking frames.
5.3 Active participation of the individual should be encouraged.
In order to move and position an individual properly, active participation of an individual is needed. Most of the time, service workers will provide guidelines on how to move and position. Individuals need to follow the instructions actively to improve their health. Without their active participation, it wouldn’t be possible to help them to move or position themselves. So they should play an active role in maintaining the care plan.
5.4 Adverse reaction should be stopped through monitoring each individual’s activities throughout the procedures.
An individual should be clearly and timely monitored whether they are maintaining the processes and the procedures of the care plan or not. All the rules that are provided by the care plan are working or not, or the results or outcomes are positive or not. If any slightest inconvenience shows up, individuals should directly talk with the service provider. The provider should take immediate actions or take necessary steps to make amendments if needed.
5.5 Demonstrating the way to report and how to record the activities through observing nothing while the next positioning manoeuvre is due.
The service worker provides a series of activities to move and position appropriately. This sequence should be followed accordingly. After following one step correctly, the second step will be in process. Access to the next step or level will be on the action only when the first step is done. So, accessing one step, accomplishing that step and entering into a new stage all shall be recorded and appropriately reported when the next positioning manoeuvre is due.
6.1 Description about when advice or assistance is needed.
There should always be sufficient information while moving or handling an individual’s positioning. Advice or assistance is needed when the care plan seems not in line with the wishes of the service users. It is also needed when technology is used against the laws and regulations of the health and safety act, which seems harmful to the individual’s health. Extensive care or advice or assistance is needed when risky equipment is used to move individuals. Again, when the manoeuvre seems difficult to understand or ambiguous, assistance is needed to make it easier to understand.
6.2 Description of the types of information sources that are available for positioning and moving each individual.
Information is one of the best ways that help to decide how to move and position an individual. Information about the person’s past medical reports and health condition will allow us to know about the person and assess risks about the person’s body movement. This information can be gained from different sources. Data can be gained from the person’s family, friends and family, or the person’s physiotherapist or the person’s care plan. Information is of great help to minimise health risks. Information can also be collected from other colleagues or managers (top management). Lastly, specialists can be asked to provide guidelines about how to handle or position an individual.
Bramham, D. (2008). The secret lives of saints. [Toronto]: Random House Canada.
Fellesson, M. and Mählck, P. (2013). Academics on the move. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet.
Issadore, D. (2009). Hybrid integrated circuit/microfluidic chips for the control of living cells and ultra-small biomimetic containers.
Reavis, H. (n.d.). Individual Analysis and Prescription Profiles forDeinstitutionalization. Final Report.
Strange, J. (n.d.). Seeking Higher Ground.
Strehovec, J. (2002). The attitudes on the move. Nottingham.